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July 5, 2017
  • Study: 'Pink Eye' Often Incorrectly Treated by PCPs

    Pharmacists see them all of the time: Customers with red, puffy eyes seeking relief from acute conjunctivitis. The problem, according to a new study, is that, very often, prescriptions for the condition are inappropriate or even potentially dangerous. Here are the details.

  • New Drug Labeling Will Help Pharmacists Counsel Pregnant, Lactating Women
    For pharmacists who strive to provide better counseling to pregnant and lactating women on the safety of medications, help is on the way. Here's why a new study says new FDA requirements on labeling will make it easier to understand which drugs are appropriate for those women, as well as anyone of reproductive age.

  • Antibiotics Caused ADEs in 20% of Inpatients; Many Didn't Need Them 
    While necessary in some cases, antibiotics also have risks. A new study of hospital inpatients emphasizes that adverse drug reactions are even more unfortunate when patients didn't need the medications in the first place. Here is more information.
  • NSAIDS Linked to Improved Survival in Long-Term Colorectal Cancer

    Inexpensive and readily available drugs might be able to prolong life in certain colorectal cancer patients, a new report suggests. The study found positive effects from NSAIDs, including aspirin, with survival benefits of up to 40%. Here are the details.

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