

April 20, 2016
  • Skin Tests Not Always Accurate in Predicting Pediatric Amoxicillin Allergies

    Knowing which children are actually allergic to amoxicillin might be trickier than pharmacists realize. A new study calls into question the accuracy of skin tests, recommending oral provocation or challenge tests instead. Here are the details.

  • Common Dementia Drugs Linked to Increased
    COPD Exacerbation

    Cholinesterase inhibitors used to treat dementia increase a neurotransmitter that regulates airways, potentially causing problems for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Although past research has not demonstrated that effect, a small new study finds an increased risk of exacerbations in COPD patients using the drugs. Find out more.

  • Misuse of E-Prescription Fields Burdens Pharmacists, Endangers Patients
    The “notes” field in e-prescribing is supposed to provide pertinent information to pharmacists about filling and dispensing the script. Instead, according to a new study, prescribers often put in irrelevant or inappropriate information, creating more work for pharmacists and potentially harming patients. Here is more information.
  • Statins Show Benefit Even With Intermediate Risk
    for Heart Disease

    Should statins be prescribed to patients at only intermediate risk for cardiovascular disease? New global studies raise that as a very real possibility. Also, find out what the research discovered about combining cholesterol-lowering drugs with antihypertensives.


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