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May 31, 2017
  • Statins Not Beneficial for Primary Prevention in Some Older Users

    For some older patients, common cholesterol-lowering drugs might do some harm without providing much benefit, according to a new report. What did the analysis of a previous study find out about statin effectiveness in older adults with hypertension and moderately high cholesterol?

  • Oral Anticoagulants Underused in Arial Fibrillation Patients at High Stroke Risk
    More than a third of atrial fibrillation patients take no anticoagulants to prevent stroke, according to a new study. That is surprising, according to researchers, since the introduction 7 years ago of direct oral anticoagulants was expected to significantly improve uptake. Here are the details.

  • ‘Detection Bias’ Blamed for Increased Melanoma Cases in PDE5 Users
    The FDA raised an alarm last year after information about a possible link between erectile dysfunction medications and melanoma. A review suggests that the skin cancer might be diagnosed more often in users of drugs such as Viagra, but there is no evidence of cause-and-effect. Here are the details.
  • IBD Patients More Concerned About Biologics Safety Than Costs

    When filling biologic medication prescriptions for Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis patients, pharmacists should be aware of unspoken concerns about side effects. A review of social media posts indicates those patients are far more concerned about adverse drug effects than the high costs of their medications.

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