U.S. Pharmacist Weekly News

April 11, 2018

Costs Slashed When Prostate Cancer Drug Taken With
Low-Fat Breakfast

If results of a new study are validated, pharmacists might be offering very different instructions on how to take a common metastatic prostate-cancer drug. Find out the effectiveness of taking a much lower dose with breakfast versus a higher dose on an empty stomach.

Which Blood Pressure Medications Offer Most
Consistent Measurements?

Some blood pressure treatments are safer than others when it comes to variability in measurements, according to a new study. Find out which medications are recommended, and which are not, based on those criteria.

Educational Brochures Can Help Get Elderly Patients
Off Sedatives

Sedatives often are over-prescribed for older patients, but a new study suggests that getting them off the drugs can be accomplished with education. Here are the details on a program that used patient-education brochures and hospitalization to promote sedative-use cessation.

Some Epilepsy Drugs, Combos in Pregnancy Affect
Offspring Abilities

Current guidelines urge pregnant women to continue their epilepsy drugs to control seizures. Authors of a new study urge more complete disclosure, however, based on findings that some epilepsy drugs and/or combinations can affect the later educational performance of unborn children. Here are more details.

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